care_predictor icon

Care Predictor

Accurate prediction of care needs, eligibility and funding for social care

Most social care practitioners struggle to manage dual responsibilities around assessing care needs and value for money. Our Care Predictor technology supports practitioners by providing the tools they need to make consistent, evidence-based decisions.

The Care Predictor uses the answers from the our Strength-Based Assessment (SBA) to drive our range of rule-based decision support tools.

Care prediction (community)
Community care prediction icon

A care prediction system for community-based services which uses best practice business rules to estimate care packages based on an individual’s needs and situation.

Care prediction (placements)
Placement care prediction icon

A care prediction system for placements which uses best practice business rules to estimate the staffing levels required to support a person given their needs, shared support and care setting.

CHC prediction
CHC prediction icon

Prediction of Continuing Health Care (CHC) eligibility, with a breakdown by CHC care domains to support discussions with partners.

Care pathway prediction
Care pathway icon

Rule-driven identification of key information to help set suitable outcomes for support plans. This includes development or recovery potential, the suitability of current support and goal setting.

Cost prediction (community)
Community cost prediction icon

Our care prediction system in the community doubles as a resource allocation system (RAS) by converting the estimated care package to an indicative budget using locally configured costs.

Cost prediction (placements)
Placement cost prediction icon

Sustainable price benchmarks calculated based on our placement cost models and the predicted level of care. Benchmarks include a breakdown of estimated costs so there is a clear framework for negotiation.

The rules programmed into each tool have been derived from years of analysis to map how the best practitioners and managers make decisions about care and funding. This ensures results are accurate and make sense to care management.

By emulating how decisions are made in practice, the Care Predictor overcomes the limitations of the ‘points-means-prizes’ and statistical approaches to resource allocation, and has a far wider scope than financial tools like the Care Funding Calculator.

Our approach also means the system can adapt to the specific needs of each organisation and evolve with improvements in care management practice.

Please contact us if you would like a demonstration of our Care Predictor software.