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Recent projects

Chronological list of noteworthy projects in recent years


  • A review of commissioned services budgets for a London borough to identify cost pressures and savings options
  • Care home inflation forecasts and related advice for LondonADASS on behalf of all councils in London
  • Care home sustainable pricing service for three Inner London and two Outer London boroughs
  • Independent review of care home markets (including cost of care for all client groups) for a large northern county council
  • Analysis of the older adult care home market for a large, southern county council, evaluating the cost-benefit of countywide versus more localised geographical approaches to commissioning and market management
  • Refresh of Homecare Ethical Charter Feasibility study for a London borough to reflect new market realities (as initial plans were delayed and affected by Covid-19)
  • Sustainability analysis for a medium-sized care home provider group, including developing options for savings and advice for negotiating with their local council
  • Care home sustainable pricing service for a London sub-region


  • Care home sustainable pricing service for a large county council
  • Sustainability options analysis for three care homes and two day centres run by a local authority trading company
  • Business case to convert an underused hospital wing into a nursing home
  • Analysis of the additional costs to providers of Covid-19 across the spectrum of social care services for a county council
  • Analysis of provider cost submissions and fee uplift requests for a London borough
  • Care home market analysis report for an outer London borough
  • Feasibility study for adopting the Unison Ethical Care Charter for a London borough
  • Financial analysis to support homecare recommissioning for a county council
  • Homecare sustainable pricing service for an Outer London borough
  • Care home sustainable pricing service for a London sub-region
  • Inflation and fee uplift advice for five London boroughs
  • Analysis of Early Intervention Services for an Outer London borough


  • Business case for an Alliance approach to commissioning Drug & Alcohol Treatment services for a city council
  • Training on assessing the value for money of high-cost placements for a city council
  • Redesigning homecare commissioning zones for a county council to support their new framework
  • Homecare sustainable pricing service for a county council
  • Business case for integrated commissioning for an outer London borough
  • Comparative analysis and benchmarking of care home commissioning for a London sub-region
  • Due diligence on an older adult care home cost model supplied by a consultancy firm to a county council
  • Learning disability care home market analysis for a London sub-region
  • Cost model for an 'enhanced' care home support services for a London sub-region
  • Financial analysis and cost modelling for intermediate care services for a London sub-region
  • Homecare sustainable pricing service for an Outer London borough
  • Care home sustainable pricing service for a London sub-region


  • Learning disability cost models for care homes, outreach and supported living for a city council
  • Care home benchmarking and market analysis reports for six London boroughs
  • Modelling a new Discharge to Assess (D2A) care pathway service for a London borough
  • Homecare sustainable pricing service for a city council
  • Financial modelling for a new Enablement homecare service for a London borough
  • Sustainability options analysis for three former in-house care homes
  • Comparative analysis of care home market for London sub-region for both councils and CCG's
  • Older adult care home cost models for five London boroughs
  • Homecare sustainable pricing service for two London boroughs
  • Care home sustainable pricing service for a London sub-region


  • Homecare sustainable pricing service for a London borough
  • Homecare sustainable pricing service for a county council
  • Review of the Healthy Child programme for a London borough
  • Review of a mental health early intervention programme for a London borough
  • Care home sustainable pricing service for a London borough
  • Learning disability placement financial reviews for a London borough
  • Analysis of provider cost submissions and fee uplift requests for a London borough
  • Analysis of provider cost submissions and fee uplift requests for another London borough
  • Financial business case for health & social care integration for a London borough
  • Care home sustainable pricing service for a London sub-region


  • Outcome-based homecare analysis and specification for a borough in south east England
  • Care home benchmarking and market analysis reports for twenty-two London boroughs
  • Homecare sustainable pricing service for two London boroughs
  • Homecare sustainable pricing service for a county council
  • Outcome-based homecare analysis and specification for a London borough
  • Financial reviews of high-cost placements for adults with a learning disability for a London borough
  • Care home sustainable pricing service for a London borough
  • Care home sustainable pricing service for a London sub-region
  • Analysis of the London care home market for LondonADASS

2015 and earlier

  • Developing resource allocation systems for three different councils
  • Developing care needs assessments and care planning forms for three different councils
  • Financial review of the all Learning Disability placements for an Inner London borough
  • Business case for running a disability transport service for a social enterprise
  • Adult social care self-assessment tool and eligibility predictor for a council in Southeast England
  • Developing care planning documentation for an inner London borough
  • Business case for the creation of the social enterprise from an in-house day service still operating today
  • Zero-based financial review of adult social care disability transport services for a London council
  • Pricing tool and matrix for day care services for an inner London council
  • Review, impact analysis and updating of Fairer Contribution policies for two London boroughs
  • Zero-based financial review of adult social care disability transport services for a London borough
  • Many other projects similar to the above either working as consultants or in roles within local government

Please contact us to find out more.