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Open-book analysis

Open-book financial analysis for win-win partnerships.

Independent analysis to simplify the commissioning of large block and framework care contracts.

Our open-book service aims to provide a systematic evidence base for fair and structured contract negotiation, as well as identify options for delivering services more efficiently.

Our expertise around care markets and the costs of care mean we can provide independent financial analysis which delivers both insight and assurance for both commissioners and providers.

As part of this service, you will receive:

  • Review of costs, unit costs, pricing, profitability and sustainability.
  • Benchmarking against our cost models and our database of anonymised benchmarks.
  • Analysis of uneconomic costs and the extent they are controllable.
  • Identification of efficiencies which can be made without compromising quality.
  • Service-specific cost models, with financial forecasts and break-even analysis.
  • Recommendations about balancing risk and reward in contractual arrangements.
  • Options analysis for improving the sustainability of the service.

This service is particularly suited for reviewing former in-house services, especially where contractual arrangements are not simple arms-length transactions.

Our open-book service requires a commitment for both the commissioner and provider to share information transparently. Where this is not possible, we also supply similar services working on behalf of either the council or care provider.